The Republican National Committee has voted down a set of resolutions relating to LGBT rights, one of which called on Congress to defy the Supreme Court's Obergefell v. Hodges and strip federal courts of jurisdiction on marriage issues.
Another resolution, introduced by notoriously homophobic RNC committeeman Dave Agema, called for “balanced” sex education in schools by teaching students the “harmful physical aspects” of the “homosexual lifestyle.”
A third, pro-LGBT resolution was also rejected.
TIME reports:
According to a person familiar with the resolutions committee meeting, only four resolutions were sent to the full Republican National Committee for a final vote on Friday: one condemning Planned Parenthood amid recent controversial videos about fetal tissue, another condemning President Obama's nuclear deal with Iran, a resolution on judicial overreach, and a fourth honoring a recently deceased former RNC member.
While it is possible that the resolutions could be offered once again at the general session on Friday, such a move is seen as unlikely, and would almost certainly fail.
The Washington Blade adds that none of the 2016 GOP presidential candidates responded to a request for comment on the anti-LGBT resolutions.