Bill Maher, joined by panelists Salman Rushdie, Linda Chavez and Michael Moynihan last night, discussed the ongoing Kim Davis drama.
Maher made a note to point out the dangers of Davis's argument that she's denying marriage licenses to same-sex couples by citing “God's authority.”
“If you say as Kim Davis and her ilk and Ted Cruz and all those people say that actually I can ignore the rule of man because the rulebook of God, then you are Iran, then you are Saudi Arabia, then you are Sharia Law.”
Chavez, the conservative on the panel, said that was “going to take time” to get people on board with same-sex marriage because the Supreme Court took the issue out of the hands of the people with the Obergefell ruling.
Rushdie claimed Davis is a classic example of a religious bigot.
Watch the segment below: