2016 ELECTION. Bernie Sanders supporters to protest Clinton fundraiser hosted by George Clooney at Silicon Valley investor’s home: “The Silicon Valley investor hosting George and Amal Clooney at his home this week for a Hillary Clinton fundraiser said he’s unfazed by a protest planned by as many as 1,500 Bernie Sanders supporters with pots and pans at his gate. Shervin Pishevar, best known as a major investor in Uber, said he “welcomed” the protest against the VIP fundraiser, which will take place at his hilltop San Francisco home and cost upwards of $30,000 for a seat (and selfie) with the Democratic frontrunner.”
PREEMPTIVE STRIKE. Sanders supporters come for Julian Castro: “With Bernie Sanders’ durability exciting progressives at their potential to shape the Democratic race, a coalition of groups—many of them backers of the Vermont senator—are launching a preemptive strike against Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro, aimed at disqualifying him from consideration to be Hillary Clinton’s running mate.”
2016 ELECTION. Hillary Clinton and Bill de Blasio under fire for ‘CP time’ joke: “Sorry, Hillary. I was running on C.P. time,” de Blasio said, invoking the stereotype of “colored people time” in a reference that drew groans from some audience members.

NORTH CAROLINA. Jimmy Buffett blasts state over anti-LGBT bill, but doesn’t cancel show:
As a traveling musician for 40 years, I played many shows years ago, in many states where you could go to prison for 20 years for smoking a joint. It was a stupid law based on stupid assumptions. Time has fortunately reversed a lot of that way of thinking. But now another stupid law, based on stupid assumptions, has sprung up like kudzu in North Carolina, where we are scheduled to play shows next week in Raleigh and Charlotte.
North Carolina was there for me as a performer in the early days and I have always felt a loyalty to fans there that goes deep. Rightly so, a lot of people are reacting to the stupid law. I happen to believe that the majority of our fans in North Carolina feel the way I do about that law. I am lucky enough to have found a job in the business of fun. These shows were booked and sold out long before the governor signed that stupid law. I am not going to let stupidity or bigotry trump fun for my loyal fans this year. We will be playing in Raleigh and Charlotte next week.
That said, as for the future of shows in North Carolina, it would definitely depend on whether that stupid law is repealed. That is up to the good people of North Carolina and there are many, and I am confident that they will see that the right thing will be done. As Forrest said, “Stupid is as stupid does.”
MISSISSIPPI. American Psychoanalytic Association condemns Mississippi’s discriminatory and harmful anti-LGBT law: “As psychoanalysts, we believe the role of the passive ‘bystander’ in bullying relationships is unacceptable, and therefore it is important our association speaks out against discrimination, and makes clear that this kind of prejudice, so damaging to so many, is deplorable. Those who stay silent on such issues contribute to this discriminatory legislation.”
BOOKS. The Bible makes the list of “most challenged” books in libraries and schools for the first time: “The Bible made the line-up for 2015 in sixth place, the ALA said, with users objecting to its presence in libraries and schools over its ‘religious viewpoint’. The text has not previously appeared in the ALA’s annual citation of challenged titles.”
SUNSETWx. Group figures out how to predict beautiful sunsets: “SunsetWx (Wx is meteorological shorthand for “weather”) was conceived last September, when Jacob DeFlitch, a meteorology graduate of Penn State, pitched the idea to Ben Reppert, a former classmate, and Steve Hallett, an undergraduate. DeFlitch is a photographer who wanted to take pictures of beautiful sunsets, but also wanted to avoid wasting time trekking to his favorite spots if the light wasn’t going to be right. Within a few weeks they had crafted an algorithm to predict the beauty of an evening’s sunset. It launched in November.”
Sunset Prediction: Decent amount of blue on the map. However, some patchy color! Tweet pics! https://t.co/zKlcEtDNTD pic.twitter.com/72tSCkkdYM
— Sunset Weather (@sunset_wx) April 10, 2016
SAM’S STORY. San Diego Union Tribune follows trans kid for a year. “There hasn’t been a time when 15-year old Sam Moehlig of Rancho Bernardo felt he was anything but a male, despite being born biologically female. With the support of his family, Sam began transitioning to becoming a male four years ago. During the last year, the Union-Tribune followed Sam as he continues his journey of transition.” Gallery.
RESURRECTION. Barbra Streisand’s big screen Gypsy project revived: “STX Entertainment is in advanced negotiations to make “Gypsy” with the Grammy and Oscar winner taking the lead role, and Oscar winner Barry Levinson (“Rain Man”) directing. Production on the film hit a snag last fall after Universal Pictures put the project into turnaround. It had been developing “Gypsy” for several years, stretching back to STX chairman Adam Fogelson’s days as the movie studio’s head.”
RESURRECTION 2. MadTV has been revived at The CW:
'MADtv' revived at @TheCW for primetime series https://t.co/kFoQBCRhF4 pic.twitter.com/wy5LXZtkPt
— Variety (@Variety) April 11, 2016
TOO HOT FOR TUESDAY. Chicagoan and basketball player MW.