National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, who likely discussed U.S. sanctions against Russia in secret talks with the Russian ambassador a month before Trump took office, remains in his position, and although the story is leading news broadcasts nationwide, Donald Trump is refusing to take questions on an appointee who has engaged in potentially treasonous behavior:
For the record – I asked the President if he still has confidence in General Flynn. He sure seemed to hear the question but did not answer
— Jonathan Karl (@jonkarl) February 13, 2017
Trump walks off ignoring multiple shouted questions about Flynn
— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) February 13, 2017
If you need a quick catch-up on why the Flynn-Russia story is so important, watch this segment from Rachel Maddow.
RELATED: Rachel Maddow Explains Why The Flynn-Russia Revelations are a Really, Really Big Deal: WATCH
And in his news briefing with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Trump received questions that required no substantive answers, causing journalists – even those from FOX News channel – to suggest that the questions were all plants.
No questions about Flynn's status even though it is leading every newscast?? Are these planted questions on the Washington side?
— Jennifer Griffin (@JenGriffinFNC) February 13, 2017
By handpicking reporters, Trump manages to get through news conference without being asked about Flynn.
— Peter Baker (@peterbakernyt) February 13, 2017
— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) February 13, 2017
Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi today called for the firing of General Flynn.
“Michael Flynn's conduct was alarming enough before his secret communications with the Russians were exposed. Now, we have a National Security Advisor who cannot be trusted not to put Putin before America.
“The conduct of the Trump White House speaks for itself. The reports of the Trump-Russia dossier gain credence with each passing day. As long as Republicans refuse to compel the release of President Trump's tax returns, they are complicit in covering up Russia's financial, personal and political hold on the Administration.
“This Administration has exhausted its excuses. Vladimir Putin's grip on President Trump must be investigated, exposed and broken. National security demands that General Flynn be fired immediately.”
The problems with Flynn are a “reflection on the president,” Rep. Adam Schiff of California, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said on MSNBC. “And this is a president who is erratic, who is inexperienced, who may be very well in over his head, who starts the day generally by Tweeting things that his national security team then has to chase after and make sense out of.”
UPDATE. Late on Monday, the Trump administration released two conflicting statements regarding confidence in Flynn.
Kellyanne Conway told reporters that “Flynn does enjoy the full confidence of the President”…
While the White House said that Trump is “evaluating the situation”….
UPDATE: Trump is evaluating situation surrounding adviser Michael Flynn and speaking to Vice President Pence about it: White House spokesman
— Reuters (@Reuters) February 13, 2017