Seth Meyers joined the White House press corps briefly last night to finally get to the bottom of a few issues with Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
Meyers asked Huckabee Sanders how she thinks history books will remember the Trump presidency, why Trump keeps attacking Robert Mueller on Twitter, what she thinks is the biggest weakness of the Trump administration, what Don Jr.'s primary role in the White House is, what the future of the U.S. looks like, why there's a deep sadness in her eyes, and what she calls the rules outlining when Eric can come out of the basement.
Huckabee Sanders also reveaed her favorite type of pencil, the name of Michael Cohen's band in college, and what she thinks Trump's nude pics look like.
Meyers went on to ask where the North Korean summit will be held and if she believes his nephew's claim that when he wet his bed at a sleepover it was because his friends put his hands in cold water.
An unusually receptive Huckabee Sanders also answered if aliens exist, how Trump gets in and out of the bathtub, and how come some fortune cookies are just words of wisdom and not actual fortunes.
Finally, Meyers asked about Trump's favorite part of the movie Marley and Me, what Yoda says when you ask him a question, and if Trump is through with porn stars.