Cal Poly has revoked the scholarship of a wrestler who was captured shouting an anti-gay slur at a pro-Trump counter-protest of the Families Belong Together march in Modesto, California on June 30.
The wrestler, Bronson Harmon, was filmed carrying a Trump sign and gives the finger to Abdul Lasaing, who was filming the pro-Trump marchers. As Harmon passes, he flips the bird and says “f**k you faggot.” Harmon was marching with his father and a friend.
Wrote Lasaing in the text accompanying the video: “I and a group of people where already walking back to our vehicles after the #KeepingTheFamilesTogether march; when I heard a group of men shouting and trying to scare us by saying #sendthemback and even yelled at someone nig**! I was so in chocked, so I automatically pulled out my phone to record, and see who was being so disrespectful! I was flipped off by #DeeAnnHarmon #BrandonHarnon from #Oakdalef or either my dark skin or my #WorldPeaceSign ?? Not sure but I was impressed by how these 3 men were acting. The older gentleman had gloves on to I guess injured someone without leaving finger prints? Later on I heard that there was a police report about these men, for beating up a 60 year old VETERAN! This Earth needs more love and peace! We all have a different mind set; but we shall all learn how to respect each other. I strongly believe that we need more unity, love and respect for America! God bless my country and all of you!! 🇺🇸
🇺🇸 #Modesto CA held a peaceful march today to #KeepFamiliesTogether and ofcorse; the typical #DonaldTrump hateful supporters had to come out and spread hate
👎#MakeThemFamous #modestoca”
Cal Poly Athletic Director Don Oberhelman told the Tribune that Harmon's scholarship had been revoked three days after the video surfaced.
And shocker: Harmon, who was captured on another video with a Trump 2020 sign yelling “send them back,” totally regrets it now.
Harmon told the Tribune that he feels his freedom of speech was taken away: “Saying what I said is definitely not the right thing. I am supposed to be there to help the community, be the best person I can be and represent the college the best way I can…I totally regret it. I got caught up in the heat of the moment. I was there to peacefully protest the things that we believe and people were harassing us, spitting on us and calling us Nazis.”