TRUMP CHICKEN. San Francisco Bay got a new inflatable. “After the week the world has had, we all want to see Trump in jail. Yet we know the wait is long, too long. In the meantime, how can we let out our frustration about everything that seems so ruined and wrong? We at Trump Chicken are civic minded. ” Site.
RAND PAUL. I'm undecided on SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh: “I am honestly undecided. I am very concerned about his position on privacy and the Fourth Amendment. This is not a small deal for me. This is a big deal.”
BE COOL! Kathy Griffin reveals details of feud with Ellen DeGeneres.
RIP. Angela Bowen, dance teacher and gay activist: “Angela Bowen, who in a varied and influential life was a dancer, a dance teacher, a scholar and a passionate voice on lesbian, black and feminist issues, died on July 12 in Long Beach, Calif. She was 82.”
IMMUNITY. Judge grants immunity to five witnesses to testify against Paul Manafort.
TEMPS. Japan hits record high.
POLITICO. Inside the mission to blow up the 2020 Democratic field: ‘With a potentially colossal field of Democratic presidential contenders and no one close to being a front-runner, the mission figures to be an expensive endeavor. So donors across the country are quietly getting the hard sell as the group moves toward its goal of raising $8 million for the 2020 cycle — roughly three times as much as it took in during the successful three-year quest to help defeat Clinton.'
BOOM. Trump administration gives ok for 3-D printed guns.
CHRISTINE TODD WHITMAN. Former GOP NJ governor calls on fellow Republicans to call for Trump's resignation in LA Times op-edN: “I am a lifelong Republican. I have campaigned and won as a member of the party, and I have served more than one Republican president. My Republican colleagues — once rightfully critical of President Obama's engagement strategy with Russian leader Vladimir Putin — have to end their willful ignorance of the damage Trump is doing both domestically and internationally. We must put aside the GOP label, as hard as that may be, and demonstrate the leadership our country needs by calling on the president to step down.”
LOCK HIM UP. Trump arrives back to the White House from his golfing weekend.
CALIFORNIA. Two men sentenced for stealing gay pride flag from Guerneville town plaza.
IMMIGRATION. NY governor Cuomo pardons seven people under threat of deportation.
ISRAEL. Netanyahu praises Trump following Iran threat: “I would like to praise the strong stance expressed yesterday by President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Pompeo against the Iranian regime's aggression.”
MANIPULATED. GOP Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) says Putin “manipulated” Trump. “The president was manipulated by Vladimir Putin,” he said. “Vladimir Putin is a master manipulator.”
JACK BRISTOW. Openly gay British athlete wins age group at European triathlete championships.
MAXINE WATERS. I think Trump is Putin's apprentice. And on Republicans: “They have no courage. They're not standing up for America. I dare them to talk about how patriotic they are given what they are allowing this president to do.”
ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is getting a reboot.
COSPLAY OF THE DAY. Ezra Miller as Toadette at San Diego Comic Con.
TRAILER OF THE DAY. Disenchantment, from Matt Groening.
