CNN's Jim Acosta clapped back at FOX News host Sean Hannity, who told his viewers that Acosta deserved the mob-style attack he received during Trump's Tampa rally earlier this week for his “abusively biased treatment of the president.”
Tweeted Acosta on Wednesday night: “Hannity is a propagandist for profit, peddling lies every night. He says he's just a talk show host, not a journalist. But he's injecting poison into the nation's political bloodstream warping public attitudes about the press. I'm confident in the long run the truth will prevail.”
Hannity is a propagandist for profit, peddling lies every night. He says he's just a talk show host, not a journalist. But he's injecting poison into the nation's political bloodstream warping public attitudes about the press. I'm confident in the long run the truth will prevail.
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) August 2, 2018
Of course, Hannity responded like an adult: “Jimmy @Acosta sorry your precious feelings are hurt & that people see through your lying bulls**t for what it is. FAKE NEWS. #CNNSUCKS”