Senator Chuck Schumer blasted Donald Trump's “temper tantrum” over a border wall and threat of a government shutdown on Meet The Press Sunday.
Said Schumer: “President Trump should understand, there are not the votes for the wall in the House or the Senate. He is not going to get the wall in any form. Even the House, which is a majority Republican, they don't have the votes for his 5 billion dollar wall plan. In fact, Ryan, afraid of what's going to happen, sent all the House home, until Wednesday night, a day and half before the — two days before the shutdown. And they certainly don't have the votes in the Senate. Now, we Democrats, Leader Pelosi and I, offered the president two options as to how to avoid the shutdown. And we should not let a temper tantrum, threats, push us in the direction of doing something that everybody, even our Republican colleagues, know is wrong. Leader McConnell has said we shouldn't shut down the government. Chairman Shelby has said we shouldn't shut down the government.”
Trump was back rage tweeting about it on Monday morning, misspellings and all.
Tweeted Trump: “Anytime you hear a Democrat saying that you can have good Boarder Security without a Wall, write them off as just another politician following the party line. Time for us to save billions of dollars a year and have, at the same time, far greater safety and control!”