Michael Killackey, told Metro UK that “six of the nine years he and his partner lived in the suburb of Chester Green, Derby, England were tainted by relentless torment. He slammed Derbyshire Police for ‘doing nothing' about the abuse which only stopped when the female neighbor moved away.”
Killackeye publically spoke about the ordeal he and his partner had endured during a Hate Crime Scrutiny Panel meeting last Friday involving Derbyshire Police, Derbyshire LGBT+ and Disability Direct said The Daily Mail.
Killackeye said that at one point “a man came to my door and I said ‘What are you here for?' and he just said ‘I must have got the wrong address' but I saw his phone and noticed he was from an escort site.”
The couple also frequently were met with delivery people from local restaurants that were prank called.
Killackeye wants the Derbyshire Police to acknowledge they failed to take the complaints seriously.