Kyle Mooney's Chuck Todd presided over an episode of Meet The Press with guests Mitch McConnell (Beck Bennett), Sen. Susan Collins (Cecily Strong), and Sen. Lindsey Graham (Kate McKinnon) in Saturday Night Live‘s cold open. The three lawmakers displayed their unwavering allegiance to GOP dear leader Donald Trump.
The first question to the three was how they can support Trump's China tariffs when they've opposed tariffs in the past.
Said Bennett's McConnell: “There's a simple answer to that. There was no collusion.”
Added McKinnon's Graham: “When you have a president who's a financial genius and a business Jesus, like Donald Trump, you just got to trust him. This man has lost 100 times more money than I've ever made.”
When Mooney's Todd pointed out that Graham had”done a complete 180″ on Trump, McKinnon's Graham replied: “Chuck, I am a man of conviction and principles. Unless he can help me and then it's, ‘new Lindsey, who's this?'”
Strong's Collins added: “Chuck, I'll be the first to admit that some of the things this administration is doing makes me want to shake my head vigorously and wag my finger once, perhaps twice.”
Mooney's Todd then went into this week's topic: “What would it take for President Trump to lose your support?”
When Mooney's Todd asked if they would reconsider their support for Trump if Robert Mueller testified that he committed obstruction, nope.
Said McKinnon's Graham: “The best way to uphold the law is to be above it, Chuck.”
“What if he says Trump colluded with the Russians?” asked Mooney's Todd.
More nope. “I'd have to send a strongly worded email and send it straight to my drafts folder,” replied Strong's Collins.
Mooney's Todd then began posing greater and greater hypotheticals: “What if he's not as religious as he claims? He's not even Christian, he's Jewish? What if you found out Trump was a Muslim? Like Louis Farrakhan? What if Trump divorced Melania? And he leaves her for Stormy Daniels? Kathy Griffin? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?”
Replied Strong's Collins: “Well I would show up to the wedding but not before I mumbled a strong rebuke quietly in to my Lean Cuisine?”
“Let's say Trump open hand slaps you in the face, what would you say then,” asked Mooney's Todd.
“Harder, daddy,” replied McKinnon's Graham.
Faced with a red wall, Mooney's Todd asked if there was anything that could sway their support.
Bennett's McConnell replied: “Let's say hypothetically he got gay married.”
Added McKinnon's Graham: “Yeah, to the leader of ISIS.”
Continued Strong's Collins: “And they had matching diapers fashioned out of the original constitution.”
Quipped Bennett's McConnell: “Oh heck, who are we kidding? We'll always be ride or die, bitches.”