On CNN Friday night, Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo had a discussion about plans for a Straight Pride Parade in Boston.
Said Lemon: “It only became legal for people like me to be married in June of 2015. People can still lose their job because of their sexual orientation. People still get killed because of it. If you look at the toxic things said online about people, members of the LGBTQ community, if you look at the criticism of me, go on any social media site, any criticism, a lot of it is rooted in homophobia. That's the first thing they talk about.”
March if you want, with your Straight Pride, but know that you're being ignorant,” Said Lemon.
Cuomo was more emphatic. “No. No, No. No Straight Pride. At best you're ignorant, if you join.”
“And bigoted,” added Lemon.
“Let's be honest, you know what you're doing if you do something like that,” argued Cuomo. “You're trying to say that you don't like what you see as its opposite. There is no need for a ‘Straight Pride.' This is about recognizing minorities, recognizing people that need a come-up. It's not about saying ‘We're all equal, we can all do it,' that's the same thing as saying ‘all lives matter.'”