Donald Trump launched an attack on CNN anchor Don Lemon on Wednesday for discussing the president's racist remarks in a question during the Democratic debate.
Tweeted Trump: ‘CNN's Don Lemon, the dumbest man on television, insinuated last night while asking a debate “question” that I was a racist, when in fact I am “the least racist person in the world.” Perhaps someone should explain to Don that he is supposed to be neutral, unbiased & fair,………or is he too dumb (stupid} to understand that. No wonder CNN's ratings (MSNBC's also) have gone down the tubes – and will stay there until they bring credibility back to the newsroom. Don't hold your breath!'
Said CNN contributor and New York Times contributing op-ed writer Wajahat Ali in response: “I think people are realizing it's not just about policy anymore. It's about literally the battle for the identity of this country. That's what 2020 is going to be about. …What Trump did in the last two weeks — what he's been doing his entire career — is go all-in with white nationalism, right? That 13-second chant in North Carolina. ‘Send her back. Send her back.' The attacks on Baltimore, the attacks today on our colleague, Don Lemon. Surprise, surprise, notice a trend?.. This is what you saw yesterday. ‘We're going to call him out aggressively.' All the candidates did.”