Rick Wiles, the right-wing Christian broadcaster who made headlines last week after calling Trump's impeachment a “Jew coup” before being rewarded with press credentials for the president's trip to Davos, called the coronavirus a plague sent by God to purge the world of sin such as transgender people and sexual immorality.
Said Wiles on his TruNews channel: “Look at the spiritual rebellion that is in this country, the hatred of God, the hatred of the Bible, the hatred of righteousness. Just vile, disgusting people in this country now, transgendering little children, perverting them. Look at the rapes, and the sexual immorality, and the filth on our TVs and our movies.
Added Wiles: “Folks, the Death Angel may be moving right now across the planet. This is the time to get right with God … The blood of Jesus Christ will protect you. Do not fear. If you are living right for God, if the blood of Jesus Christ is on you, you have no reason to fear this Death Angel. But those of you who are opposing the church of God, mocking God, attacking his servants, you'd better wise up because there is a Death Angel on the loose right now, and you are going to get an attitude adjustment.”