Hate-group leader Bryan Fischer is hoping the closure of American schools in response to the coronavirus crisis will prevent kids from being “brainwashed into normalizing sexual deviancy, gender confusion, and Drag Queen story hours.”
Fischer, president of the American Family Association, made the statement in a column he penned for the group's website titled, “The Good That Could Come From Coronavirus.”
“For instance, closing public schools will protect vulnerable young children from force-fed indoctrination into the absurd and anti-science environmental agenda,” Fischer wrote. “It will protect them from being brainwashed into normalizing sexual deviancy, gender confusion, and Drag Queen story hours. By forcing parents to home school their children at this time, big government nannies may discover that all they did was to give parents a chance to try home education and discover they liked it more than they thought.”
GLAAD's Jeremy Hooper clapped back at Fischer: Such values, huh? While millions of us around the world are in restless worry about this hurting world and how we can fix it, this man who professes to be a “family values” voice of a “pro-family” organization is seriously citing the saving of children “from being brainwashed into normalizing sexual deviancy” as a goal. A hope. A plan forward for a planet that's suffering. Not to mention, parents all over this country are struggling to figure out both care and education for their children who have now lost their schools and teachers. How heartless can you be to look at this, one of the most impactful blows to working families to stem from coronavirus, and tell these families that their burden and lost educational opportunities for their children is actually a blessing? A blessing, as Bryan tells it, because these schools were always too darn queen for proper educatin' in the first place. They say that crises really show people and communities for who they are. Well, AFA–we hear and see you! While you all spend this time of crisis misplacing your “values” and pushing your un-American obsessions that seek to harm families, the rest of us will work to save the world from normalizing deviant values like yours.