In a series of manic Sunday evening tweets (and not even close to all of them), Donald Trump insisted he's the hardest working president in history, demanded an alternative to FOX News because even they aren't hanging with the fraud enough any more, and retweeted a bizarre GIF of Joe Biden from a Twitter account that later changed its handle to “Trump & Biden are rapey.”
In related news, the New York Times has unveiled a comprehensive analysis of 260,000 words spoken by Trump during the pandemic.
They report: “By far the most recurring utterances from Mr. Trump in the briefings are self-congratulations, roughly 600 of them, which are often predicated on exaggerations and falsehoods. He does credit others (more than 360 times) for their work, but he also blames others (more than 110 times) for inadequacies in the state and federal response. Mr. Trump's attempts to display empathy or appeal to national unity (about 160 instances) amount to only a quarter of the number of times he complimented himself or a top member of his team.”