U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr told FOX News host Mark Levin on Sunday night that the progressive left is trying to tear down U.S. institutions.
Said Barr: “The left wing has really withdrawn and pulled away from the umbrella of classical liberal values that have undergirded our society since our founding. … I think the left has essentially withdrawn from this model, and really represents a Rousseauian revolutionary party that believes in tearing down the system. That what's wrong about America today all has to do with the institutions we have and they're interested in complete political victory, they're not interested in compromise, they're not interested in dialectic exchange of views. …. It's a secular religion. It's a substitute for religion.”
Barr also called Black Lives Matter activists and those resisting Trump's policies “a revolutionary group that is interested in some form of socialism, communism, they are essentially Bolsheviks. Their tactics are fascistic.”
The full interview: