Donald Trump donated a total of $6,000 to Kamala Harris' campaigns for California Attorney General twice while he was a private citizen, in 2011 and 2013. Trump's daughter Ivanka donated $2,000 in 2014.
Trump's reaction to the Harris pick late Tuesday afternoon: “She was my number one pick. I mean, she was … my number one draft pick, and we'll see how she works out. She did very, very poorly in the primaries, as you know. She was expected to do well. And she was, she ended up right around two percent and spent a lot of money. She had a lot of things happening. So I was a little surprised he picked her. I've been watching her for a long time. I was a little surprised. She was extraordinarily nasty to Judge Kavanaugh. … She was nasty to to a level that was just a horrible thing, the way she treated now-Justice Kavanaugh, and I won't forget that soon. So she did very poorly in the primaries, and now she's chosen, so let's see how that all works out.”