In a move as unexpected as a plot twist in a thriller, Elon Musk, Twitter Inc's owner, announced a radical rebranding. The iconic blue bird logo is being replaced with an ‘X'. This comes after Musk admitted that advertisers have been slow to return, impacting Twitter's cash flow.
“Interim X logo goes live later today,” Musk tweeted, adding that “” would now redirect to Twitter's website. Musk's X Corp has taken over Twitter, in a surprising move.
Musk also polled his followers on changing the site's color scheme from blue to black. “And soon we shall bid adieu to the Twitter brand and, gradually, all the birds,” he said. The company said it would comment on the changes later.
Twitter's new CEO, Linda Yaccarino, tweeted: “It's an exceptionally rare thing – in life or in business – that you get a second chance to make another big impression. Twitter made one massive impression and changed the way we communicate. Now, X will go further, transforming the global town square.”
Under Musk's leadership, the company has changed its business name to X Corp, reflecting Musk's vision to create a “super app” like China's WeChat.
In April, Twitter's blue bird logo was temporarily replaced by Dogecoin's Shiba Inu dog, causing a surge in the cryptocurrency's market value.
The company faced criticism when Musk announced that Twitter would limit how many tweets per day various accounts can read. This move helped rival service Threads, owned by Meta Platforms, to cross 100 million sign-ups within five days of its July 5 launch.
As we bid farewell to the blue bird and welcome the ‘X', we can't help but marvel at Musk's audacious ambitions. Having already seen Twitter's value halve under his watch, he now sets his sights on transforming it into a ‘super app' akin to China's WeChat. With such a track record, one can only imagine the ‘improvements' in store.
After all, why stop at minor setbacks when you can aim for a spectacular downfall? Only time will tell if this bold move will be a game-changer or just another chapter in the saga of Musk's grandiose misadventures.