What you’re probably wondering is, “After I finish slobbering over the four pages of shirtless torso, is there any gay stuff in this month’s David Beckham cover interview in Vanity Fair?” Actually, there is:
“Part of Beckham’s off-the-field success seems to be that he is a mutable icon who can be cited as both the blackest white man in Britain and the straight man most desired by gays. ‘I just woke up one day and someone called to tell me I’d been voted the gay style icon of the year or whatever,’ recalls Beckham. ‘I think it’s quite cool, actually. I’m sure the blokes of the world would turn around and say, I can’t believe that so and so…‘”
And poor embattled wife Posh Spice. While she was apparently included in the photo shoot next to her husband, at some point the decision was made to exclude her image from the issue. Seems everybody wants Beckham to be single.