Baily & Sargent, U.S.S. Cuyama 1934
Towleroad correspondent Alan L. wanted to share these photos he dug up in the closet, so to speak.
Alan writes: “I was going through a box of old photographs that belonged to my grandparents and found some Navy pictures from 1932 and 1933 that set my gaydar off. The photos were in a scrapbook made by my grandmother’s second husband (Jerry), who died about ten years ago. When he was alive, I always sort of wondered about him. Finding these photographs makes me wonder even more.”
Since Gerald isn’t here to confirm or deny, we’ll just enjoy the photos for what they are, a glimpse back into the early 20th century, in the company of sailors. Captions were printed on the backsides of the photos.
More photos after the jump…
Thanks, Alan, for these great photos! Towleroad loves old photos. If any other readers have vintage photos (especially gay-related) they’d like to share, please send them along.