I think it’s pretty obvious by now I work on a Mac, so I’m always interested in what Steve Jobs has to offer at the annual MacWorld San Francisco which is starting in about half an hour from now. The latest predictions have Apple introducing a 15″ Intel Macbook” which ships in February, an iPod FM receiver, iWork/iLife ’06, New Remote, Photocasting via iPhoto and OS X 10.4.4 with new Widgets, but the lid is notoriously tight on these announcements so we’ll see what happens.
Here’s an interesting piece in the Guardian about what it takes to put on one of these highly choreographed shows: “So when Steve steps out on that stage, with its stark black-on-black colour scheme, and does his apparently simple demos, he brings the combined energy and talent of all those people and many more back in Cupertino, California, and channels it to the audience. It makes me think of a magnifying glass used to focus the power of the sun on one small spot until it bursts into flames.”
Yeah, I guess I’m an Apple groupie.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 42 million iPods sold, 32 million in 2005; 850 million songs sold on iTunes, 8 million TV shows (since Oct. 12); remote control for iPod with FM tuner, iPod now a radio too; MacOS 10.4.4, new widgets; iLife ’06; Photocasting—podcasting for photos; .Mac publishing via RSS; iPhoto improvements; iMovie improvements facilitate video podcasts; GarageBand has new podcast studio; new iWeb app shares all kinds of content; iLife media browser; new app iWork ’06; first new Mac with Intel processor — iMac; no more Powerbooks — now MacBook Pros with Intel processors