Gatecrasher Ben Widdicombe published an item about an alleged face-freezing contest that took place in the brand new Vlada lounge on 51st street in New York. I had the pleasure of visiting the space last week before a show and distinctly remember that one of the key features that caught my eye was a strip of ice that runs for about 30 feet down the length of the bar. Widdicombe notes that others were impressed by it too:
“Cyndi Lauper and Alan Cumming retired to Hell’s Kitchen lounge Vlada after a performance of “The Threepenny Opera” and had a competition to see who could keep their face pressed to the strip of ice that runs down the bar longest. Cyndi won.”
Towleroad now has a photo taken after the alleged incident, which was presumably preceded by several shots of Vlada’s fine home-made infused vodkas.