The Nestle company has received complaints about an ad currently running in New Zealand, which I downloaded from their website and upload to you here.
The ad lit up a message board at with complaints:
“My view however is that It's clearly playing on the homophobic attitudes of some people and shouldn't be on air,” types one poster. Another says “it's a homophobic advertisement and should be pulled. What else can it be?”
Other typers were less annoyed. “Is this REALLY the best we have to expend our efforts on?” asked one message board regular. Another opined: “it's not a gay kiss, it's just a guy kissing his mate and his mate doesn't like it. I don't think that it's homophobic anymore than children would go ‘ewww, gross' at kissing each other were they opposite sex.
“But saying that, it shows that media is getting pretty gutsy at pushing these boundaries and I think that we should beware that indeed soon same-sex kissing isn't portrayed as ‘uncool'.”
It's interesting looking at it in the context of the Snickers ad, which essentially sent the same message and inspired the same arguments on both sides from folks reacting to it. Homophobia, however, is learned behavior, and imho all this teaches kids is that a male showing affection to another male is a bad thing.