I always wondered why Karl Lagerfeld never gave his ever-present bodyguard Sebastian Jondeau a bigger role to play than protecting him from all the thugs making attempts on his life. Well, turns out that during this season's Paris shows Mr. Jondeau took the runway for the first time:
“Karl Lagerfeld's bodyguard Sebastien Jondeau made his runway debut the morning of the show, modeling—if only slightly awkwardly—two snug looks. ‘It was strange and funny because for me it was something new,' he admitted afterward. ‘But it was a treat to be there and something special to me.' The timing of his looks was perfect, as Jondeau's final runway walk with the rest of the models culminated precisely with Lagerfeld's runway bow—allowing the handsome Parisian bachelor to assume his original duties.”
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(thanks shaun)