Bobby Brown, the first guest on the new UK show 24 Hours With…, in which host Jamie Campbell interviews a celebrity as they are locked together in a room for an entire day, threatened to become violent when Campbell joked about the idea of gay sex with the singer.
Transcript after the jump…
BROWN: They told me it was going to be like a prison.
CAMPBELL: How do I measure up to your cellmates?
BROWN: You're dangerous.
CAMPBELL: I haven't tried any sex moves on you yet.
BROWN: What the f**k do you mean sex moves? Do I Look like… You saying you haven't even tried any sex moves yet. Are you, are you…
CAMPBELL: Am I gay? Would it make a difference?
BROWN: Are you?
CAMPBELL: Why would it make a difference?
BROWN: You said to me, I ahven't even tried any sex moves on you yet. Yet? What the fuck you mean, ‘yet'? I'm a grown-ass man. Yet? On live TV I will fuck you up. Trust.
CAMPBELL: I only meant it as a joke.
BROWN: Okay well you shoulda laughed afterwards. Cause I didn't laugh.
CAMPBELL: The conversation went, I said to you, ‘do you think I'm an okay cellmate compared with the guys in prison. And you said, I think you're dangerous. And I said, and I haven't even tried any sex moves yet. It was just a joke.
BROWN: Can you answer the question though? Are you?
CAMPBELL: Would it matter to you if I was?
BROWN: You said, you haven't even tried any sex moves on me yet. Do you know I will fuck you up in here? Do you know that?
CAMPBELL: I mean, don't you disrespect me by suggesting that…
BROWN: Suggesting that what?
CAMPBELL: Suggesting that somehow my answer would make me less of a man in your eyes?
BROWN: I think you're less of a man for not answering.
CAMPBELL: I think it's like a joke. It as just a joke.
BROWN: (cracking knuckles) you know what would be more of a joke, you know what would be really more of a joke, if the 24 hours ended right now. That would be more of a joke.
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