An FBI agent made an unsolicited call to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office on Ann Coulter’s behalf, and she’s reportedly off the hook now for allegations that she falsified her Palm Beach voter’s registration and voted in the wrong precinct illegally.
According to the Palm Beach Post: “The caller wasn’t just any G-man. According to PBSO documents, he was Supervisory Special Agent Jim Fitzgerald, of the FBI Academy’s Behavioral Analysis Unit in Quantico, Va. — the closest reality gets to the serial-killer catchers on CBS’ Criminal Minds. So why would an FBI profiler who went after the Unabomber take time from his busy day to even think about a municipal election snafu? Fitzgerald is mum. But when the bureau heard about this from Page Two, it immediately launched an internal review of the agent’s involvement.”
Said County Supervisor of Elections Arthur Anderson: “This doesn’t bode well in terms of the public’s impression that celebrities receive preferential treatment. I’m curious about how anyone can justify the FBI’s intrusion.”
Coulter’s lawyer, who reportedly spent months stonewalling the investigation into why Coulter may have falsified her address, eventually told the detective looking into the case that Coulter may have written down a false address to throw off a stalker.
UPDATE: Brad Blog is reporting that the FBI agent who stepped in to clear Ann Coulter is allegedly her ex-boyfriend: “‘Fitzgerald was Ann Coulter’s boyfriend in 1998 and 1999,’ Borchers told The BRAD BLOG, ‘And since then, she has used him as her personal FBI resources for her own purposes.'”