Bush is expected to nominate General Peter (“homosexuality is immoral”) Pace to a second term as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Gay rapper Caushun exposed as fraud: “Here in New York, Caushun was the first name that came up whenever a conversation about gay rappers began. Best we knew, he was one of us: An effeminate hairdresser with Bed-Stuy credibility and a flow that earned respect among local hetero hip-hop folks.”
Connecticut high court judge recuses himself from gay marriage case, reasons unknown.
Gay porn star Timothy Boham, who is charged in the murder of Denver businessman John Paul Kelso, may use insanity plea in his defense: “Boham, who had worked briefly for Kelso, was arrested near the U.S.-Mexico border after police said he confessed to his mother and sister. Boham decided to rob Kelso, the owner of a debt collection company, because he knew there was a safe in the house, police said. During a preliminary hearing, police said Boham told them he was planning to steal $40,000 he thought was in the safe because his girlfriend was pregnant and he needed cash.”
The struggle to be a father: one gay man reflects.
Vermont fraternity Phi Gamma Delta, accused last year of gay bashing during hazing, is now threatening to sue the University of Vermont.
Has David Gest targeted a new love interest in Amy Winehouse? Gest: “I would kiss the mole on Amy Winehouse's face and every tattoo on her body and I'd stick my tongue in the gap where her tooth is missing. I love her.”
Army recruiter Marcia Ramode, who was “suspended from recruiting duties” after her racist, homophobic email to a potential recruit was given media attention, has been given a covert reassignment by the military. Said Corey Powell, the potential recruit to whom Ramode's inflammatory email was originally addressed: “Now they're making her whereabouts covert. Some act to prevent us knowing where she is, which they probably invented this morning. I'm really disappointed [in the decision to reassign Ramode]. I wasn't out for blood. But for the 11,000 servicemen who have lost their jobs for nothing besides being themselves, this is an injustice. She should be forced to find a way to take care of herself the same way they had to.”
Miss Ross returns to London.
Pinkberry sued for claiming powder + water is actually yogurt.
Are you a TOFI? Folks who are thin on the outside may be fat on the inside: “The thinner people are, the bigger the surprise.”
Rosie O'Donnell claims Ellen DeGeneres has signed a contract forbidding her to talk about being a lesbian