As Jerusalem braced for a gay pride event that in the past has been bloody and violent, police seized a man with a bomb before he could get to the thousands participating in today's parade.
Said police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld: “Police stopped a 32-year-old religious Jew who was carrying a homemade explosive device.”
Others, who managed to break through the massive police presence, estimated to be 7,000 strong, were arrested and taken away.
Reuters reports: “A rally planned to take place at the end of the parade was cancelled…following a dispute between the organizers and the Jerusalem city authorities. Police have arrested more than 130 ultra-Orthodox Jews in recent days after learning of plots to disrupt the march and during protests in Jerusalem and religious Jewish towns, where officers used water cannon to battle stone-throwing protesters.”
In April, a medium-sized bomb was detonated in protest of the planned parade, injuring one person. Earlier this month, Haredi rabbis placed a curse on those participating:
“To all those involved, sinners in spirit, and whoever helps and protects them, may they feel a curse on their souls, may it plague them and may evil pursue them; they will not be requitted of their transgressions from heavenly judgment.”
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