Australian researchers at the pharmaceutical company Starpharma say they have developed a gel which “inactivates” both the HIV and Herpes viruses:
“Lead researcher Dr Jeremy Paull from Melbourne-based pharmaceutical company Starpharma told the International AIDS Society conference in Sydney the gel would be used by heterosexual men who apply it directly to themselves before sex. It would be most useful in sub-Saharan African nations where the HIV epidemic is mostly seen among heterosexuals. The active ingredient in the microbicide is dendrimer, a molecule which binds itself to the viruses and prevents them from infecting healthy cells, Dr Paull said. Recent trials on animals have shown it is between 85 and 100 per cent effective at blocking both viruses. Safety trials of the gel are now underway in humans. The first results, presented at the congress, show it is safe and well tolerated in healthy men, uncircumcised or not.”
It seems to make sense that it would be effective on gay men as well.