Former reality show contestants have to make a living somehow. Big Brother‘s evicted (100% straight) hunk Nick has decided he can make some cash by selling clothing items on eBay. Right now, his focus is on signed bandanas. Current bidding has a bandana going for $218.50.
For those of you with a fetish for used football player duds, this may be your lucky day. With a little financial success, who knows what he might give up next…
In other news from the overnight feeds, the houseguests recently got a bit of a show when America's Player, decided to let it all hang out. Video after the jump… (possible NSFW)
The action starts at about the 3:40 mark.
Dustin: Oh my God!!! Look at it!
Zach: Morning Wood!
Eric: No, no morning wood. I just decided I didn't wanna hear about it any more.
Dick: I tell ya what Zach, if it was a sword fight, you're gonna lose. That'd be like having a battle between a sword and a needle.
Dustin: You could see that thing running from the back…