Dick Cheney left his undisclosed location to express his “delight” at endorsing John McCain in Wyoming.
Said Cheney: “I believe the right leader for this moment in history is Senator John McCain. […] I'm delighted to support John McCain and I'm pleased that he's chosen a running mate with executive talent, toughness and common sense, our next vice president in Sarah Palin.”
Barack Obama congratulated McCain on the endorsement from Pueblo, Colorado:
“I'd like to congratulate Senator McCain on this endorsement because he really earned it. That endorsement didn't come easy. Senator McCain had to vote 90 percent of the time with George Bush and Dick Cheney to get it. He served as Washington's biggest cheerleader for going to war in Iraq, and supports economic policies that are no different from the last eight years. So Senator McCain worked hard to get Dick Cheney's support…”
The Obama campaign has an ad out on the endorsement: