Like a creature out of War of the Worlds, a Magnapinna squid appeared before a camera on a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) at the Perdido oil and gas drilling site in Gulf of Mexico. It's only been filmed about a dozen times and never near a drilling development. The footage was shot last year but just recently released:
“The video clip shows the screen of the ROV's guidance monitor framed with pulsing inputs of time and positioning data. In a few seconds of jerky camerawork, the squid appears with its huge fins waving like elephant ears and its remarkable arms and tentacles trailing from elbow-like appendages. Despite the squid's apparent unflappability on camera, Magnapinna, or ‘big fin,' squid remain largely a mystery to science. ROVs have filmed Magnapinna squid a dozen or so times in the Gulf and the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans.”