It was rumored yesterday that Idol contestant Adam Lambert, whose "flamboyant" past was spread across the blogs last week, would choose a Michael Jackson song that played off the speculation behind the images of him kissing other men:
"There's been some joking on various websites that this year's most flamboyant front-runner, Adam Lambert, will perform Jackson's early '90s hit 'In the Closet' as a response to recently leaked photographs of him kissing a man and dressed in glamour-queen drag. Jackson released the song just when his astounding musical charisma began to strain under the weight of his eccentricities."
The L.A. Times yesterday said it's long overdue for American Idol's closet door to fly open, and speculated about what other closets might fly open on the show this year:
"Idol's closet contains much more than sexuality, though. It includes language differences, religious affiliation and its contestants' complex family lives. The daring Lambert might break down the wall of homophobia this season, but it's just as likely one of the show's several Christian worship leaders, including Lambert's main male rival Danny Gokey, will push the producers to let fundamentalist Christianity out of the box in which it's not very well contained."
That said, Lambert and Gokey both positioned themselves as frontrunners last night. My vote's for the former. His performance of "Black or White" AFTER THE JUMP…