Arizona Senator and former presidential candidate John McCain's daughter Meghan appeared on Larry King Live last night and continued to buck the Republican party line on a number of issues, including same-sex marriage. You may remember she appeared on The Rachel Maddow Show last week.
Meghan McCain is proving herself to be the true "maverick" in the family, not her father, who the Log Cabin Republicans endorsed last September "because he's a maverick; a trait most recently on display with his decision to select Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate."
KING: "All right. You took a lot of heat for a lot of things. Do you — do you consider yourself a moderate? Are you moderate liberal? Are you…"
MEGHAN MCCAIN: "I consider myself a progressive Republican. I am liberal on socialissues. And I think that the party is at a place where social issuesshouldn't be the issues that define the party. And I have taken heat,but in fairness to me, I am a different generation than the people thatare giving me heat. I'm 24 years old. I'm not in my 40s, I'm not in my50s and older. And I think there's just such a generation gap, that thepeople that don't understand me, I actually take it as a compliment,that sort of this new young Republican can come forward and makeprogress and be successful in the ways that this party has currentlyfailed…
"We have a very big generation gap between me and my father…I was raised in an open-mindedhome. I was raised a Christian, but I was raised open- minded Christian– one to accept people, love people, not pass judgment. And that's thekind of place I was raised. It's how I lived my life and my father isgreat…I believe in gay marriage. I believe in many things socially. Ipersonally am pro-life, but I'm not going to judge someone that'spro-choice. It is not my place to judge other people and what they dowith their body."