Howard Stern issued a strong message of support for gay people on his show today, in only the way Howard can. I've edited out some of the dirty bits, but here is some of it:
"My feeling about gay people is that we have a responsibility not only to make gay marriage acceptable and to make gays feel accepted as much as heterosexuals…Gay people are downtrodden They are beaten. They are abused for their sexuality, and it goes across race. In the white community and the black community gay people are the bastards of the world. And in order for things to change, because any one of you could have gay children, or gay relatives, or gay friends…we have a responsibility to make this acceptable, to get all this bullshit so that some gay kid going to high school doesn't get the shit beaten out of him just because he's gay…I'm as heterosexual as they come. What is this hang-up about gay marriage? Who cares? Get on with your life!"
Listen to the unedited clip (warning; some language NSFW), AFTER THE JUMP…