Anderson Cooper covered social issues and the pressure on President Obama to take action on his campaign promises. Candy Crowley reports on the current situation and Family Research Council's Tony Perkins and DNC member Robert Zimmerman join Anderson to discuss the administration's silence.
Also, today the Wall Street Journal takes up the issue of Obama and "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", noting that the administration let pass a May 3 deadline to appeal to the Supreme Court in the case of the expulsion of Major Margaret Witt: "That means the case will be returned to the district court, andadministration officials said they will continue to defend the lawthere." Witt had served as an Air Force reservist flight nurse for 20 yearsuntil she was ratted out by a citizen in her home town of Spokane who,according to her attorney, called the Air Force and told them she wasliving with her female partner there.
The WSJ reports: "President Obama faced an early March deadline to file an appeal tothe Supreme Court. Obama aides twice filed requests asking for aone-month extension, which the court granted. The administration letthe most recent deadline pass without seeking another extension. A Justice Department spokeswoman said the government would defendthe law at the trial over Maj. Witt's dismissal. The decision not toappeal to the Supreme Court 'is a procedural decision made because thecase is still working its way through the regular judicial process,'she said."
Watch the AC360 segment, AFTER THE JUMP…