The Senate Armed Services Committee will hold hearings on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", according to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), who claims to have secured the commitment:
"A statement from the Gillibrand's office, shared exclusively withThe Daily Beast, notes that '265 men and women have been unfairlydismissed from the Armed Forces since President Barack Obama tookoffice.' Gillibrand's fast-track proposal for halting DADT, an amendment tothe Military Reauthorization Act that would have ordered the Defensesecretary to stop investigating gay service members, was neverintroduced. Even with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid expressing hissupport, Gillibrand couldn't gather the 60 votes needed to avoid afilibuster, according to a spokesperson…Gay-rights leaders expressed high hopes that Senate hearings couldbring reluctant legislators around. According to a recent Gallup poll,69 percent Americans think gays should be allowed to serve."
The Daily Beast talks to Jason Bellini, AFTER THE JUMP…