Florida ban on gay adoption goes before appeals court.
Summer of loss: Writer Dominick Dunne, songwriter Ellie Greenwich die.
Trial resumes for killers of South African lesbian football star Eudy Simelane, targeted with "corrective rape" and stabbed to death because of her sexuality: "Men are unemployed and feel traditional male preserves — such as
football or drinking in a bar — are under attack. That was Eudy's
crime. An aggravating factor was that she did not look like a typical
female. People are just getting killed here because they are different,
like HIV-positive people have been killed in the past. What is
important is to get a verdict which includes murder."
Gerard Butler and his pug Lolita in doggie dust-up.
Dueling dot-coms battle for .gay domain address.
State senator Ed Murray mulling write-in campaign in Seattle mayoral race.
Lesbian Houston City Controller Annise Parker is among top contenders in mayoral race: "She's the most experienced, most well-known candidate in the race, but
the anti-gay far right knows this too, so we fully expect them to use
her sexual orientation to divide and distract the voters. We're
preparing for that."
Ed Westwick hangs out with his Gossip Girl gay kiss recipient Neal Bledsoe.
Tom Ford's London home on the market.
Advocate interviews gay men who created Miley Cyrus 'Party in the USA' Fire Island video.
New Jersey Catholic bishops launch campaign against marriage equality.
Celestia is back and crazier than ever.
Kylie Minogue talks about first North American tour with Black Book magazine.
Freelance writer goes undercover at "ex-gay" seminar.
Russian lesbians protest postponement of court hearing over marriage challenge with a kiss: "Ms Fedotova-Fet and Ms Shipitko applied to marry at a Moscow registry office in May, but were refused on the grounds
that same-sex marriage is illegal in Russia. The couple argue that Russian
law does not forbid such a union. A court ruled the refusal was legal
and their complaint would be heard today."
First online gay rights and support group formed in the Maldives. Official site.
Afton, Minnesota home targeted with anti-gay graffiti.
Gay High Line founder Robert Hammond rewarded handsomely by board of directors.
In Anchorage, it looks unlikely that the Assembly will move to override the veto of a gay rights ordinance by Mayor Dan Sullivan: "The first opportunity for the Anchorage Assembly to override Mayor Dan
Sullivan's veto of an ordinance banning discrimination on the basis of
sexual orientation went by Tuesday night without action."