Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese sent out a bizarre email blast last night, on the eve of National Equality March weekend, that seems to suggest that LGBT folks should cut Obama some slack till the end of his second term to pass judgment on the promises he has or hasn't carried out.
Folks around the blogosphere are scratching their heads.
But what has he [Obama] done?
I've written that we have actually covered a good deal of ground so far. But I'm not going to trot out those advances right now because I have something more relevant to say: It's not January 19, 2017.
That matters for two reasons: first, the accomplishments that we've seen thus far are not the Obama Administration's record. They are the Administration's record so far….
I am sure of this: on January 19, 2017, I will look back on the President's address to my community as an affirmation of his pledge to be our ally. I will remember it as the day when we all stood together and committed to finish what Senator Kennedy called our unfinished business. And I am sure of this: on January 19, 2017, I will also look back on many other victories that President Barack Obama made possible.
Read the entire email blast, AFTER THE JUMP…
Whatever its meaning, as a forecast of what Obama might say tonight at the group's annual dinner, it isn't encouraging. I've heard that what's coming tonight from Obama is an announcement of a push to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" in 2010, some recognition of David Huebner, the new gay ambassador to New Zealand and Samoa, and some words against Question 1 in Maine. That's completely unverified, but it's what I'm hearing. I hope there's more.