Gatecrasher reports on the statement, which reportedly didn't fly:
"It turns out that some New Yorkers really can't take a joke — especially when it's unspeakably filthy. 'People seemed to not be laughing at his jokes, but more because
they were shocked and appalled with what was coming out of his mouth,'
reports one audience member. Morgan talked trash about homosexuality
(saying it's 'a choice,' which drew gasps), drugs, pornography and what
he calls 'politricks' — far edgier subjects than what his alter ego,
Jordan, gets air time for. 'There was a continuous flow of people getting up and leaving
throughout the show,' our spy reports, adding that many in the crowd
clearly didn't know what they were getting themselves into. Middle-aged
women were the most flabbergasted when he started mimicking explicit
sex acts on stage."