The Mormon Church's endorsement of a Salt Lake City anti-discrimination ordinance that would protect gays and lesbians in matters of housing and employment has caused one of the state's biggest homophobes to ease in his positions on statewide rights for gays.
Following the suggestion that the LDS Church's endorsement could extend beyond Salt Lake's borders, "Buttars, a West JordanRepublican and fiery opponent of gay rights, said Wednesday he 'verywell might' sponsor legislation in 2010 that would allow localgovernments to adopt such anti-discrimination measures for housing andemployment — but forbid them from going any further on gay rights. 'Maybe we ought to have a statewide bill that allows those things,' Buttars said, 'but that's all it allows. No creep.' Buttars said he opposes any 'legislative creep' toward gay marriage."
Hey wait, isn't Buttars the creep?
You may remember Buttars was removed from two committees in February for comparing gays to radical Muslim extremists and asserting that they are America's 'greatest threat.' He later said he stood by his remarks.
Watch FOX 13's interview, in which Buttars says, "I don't mind gays. I just don't want 'em stuffin' it down my throat all the time," AFTER THE JUMP…