Exodus: Gays abandon South Beach for Fort Lauderdale.
Snowballs: the new pets.
Bozeman, Montana adopts LGBT anti-discrimination ordinances: "The commission voted 3-0 Monday night to move forward with plans to protect homosexual and transgendered city employees from discrimination and to provide same-sex partners with the same benefits as opposite-sex couples. Commissioners also supported spelling out same-sex partners' equal right to health care insurance and other benefits in the city's employee handbook."
Man murdered in Sydney, Australia park last year revealed to be gay.
Divorce rates HIGHER in states with same-sex marriage bans.
Conan won't budge from late-night slot.
Liberty University withdraws sponsorship of CPAC over involvement of gay Republican group GOProud: "In the letter withdrawing its sponsorship from the event, Liberty
University Law School Dean Mat Staver wrote that gay Republicans, by
their very existence, work against his university." CPAC keeps GOProud.
Heidi Montag says her new album, Superficial, is as good as Thriller.
Mystery object buzzes Earth.
Doomsday clock to be changed.
Stories of older gay Irishmen go on stage in New York: "The music is lovely and the performers earnest — perhaps too earnest — but to a New York audience, at least, the tales may seem somewhat elementary and generic. A man mourns the death of his longtime partner. A mother declares her love for her gay son despite her religious convictions. An AIDS diagnosis changes a father-son dynamic."
Annise Parker discusses Obama voicemail.
Google reviewing operations in China due to censorship.
Lady Gaga is putting herself out there for the gays again at a
benefit this Saturday at Club Worship, House of Blues at Harrah's
Showboat Casino in Atlantic City following her show to raise money for
LGBT groups Empire State Pride Agenda, Garden State Equality, Equality
Pennsylvania and The Power. Said Gaga: "I am honored to be able to continue to raise awareness
and money for this cause and these outstanding organizations.
Organizations like these are in the trenches every day working on
behalf of all of us, whether you are LGBT or straight. Equal and full
civil rights are supposed to be for all of us." It's a minimum $20 donation.
John Mayer performs internet cleanse.
Evidence that NY's nightlife scene needs an epitaph.
Gay man's murder at rural Louisiana gay bar goes unsolved:
"Detectives are not ready to commit to any theory of a single motive.
Whether the crime was motivated by money – about $4,000 was reported
missing from the bar – by hate, or by personal animus against LeCompte
remains undetermined."
Dustin Lance Black and Neil Patrick Harris join Trevor Project board.
Dan Savage and Benoit Denizet-Lewis debate sex addiction on the Michelangelo Signorile Show.
Tickle the ivories, on YouTube.
Ten trolls every blogger will encounter.
Gay "housewife" still wanted for LOGO's show Kept. Gawker: "One of the reasons recruiting might be difficult is because some men
don't like the tenor of the show. Our source says, 'Lots have backed
out. They positioned it as gay housewives when in fact it's based on
gold diggers. It's called Kept and [they] are having trouble
finding guys who are happy having a sugar daddy yet interesting enough
to fill reality TV. Best cast for reality shows are normally pushy with
big opinions and personality! These aren't the peeps who marry rich old