The marriage of Alex Freyre and José Maria Di Bello, which took place in Argentina's southern Tierra del Fuego province, has been annulled by a judge there, Blabbeando reports:
"According to today's Sur 54, the civil wedding between Alex Freyre and José Maria Di Bello was challenged by a local district attorney, Karina Echazú, on the grounds that the national constitution did not give gay couples the right to marry.
For years, Freyre and Di Bello (right) had fought an uphill battle to be able to marry until a Buenos Aires court gave them the go-ahead in November. Plans to marry on December 1st were placed on hold when local authorities stepped in and put a stay on the order (they had chosen December 1st as a symbolic date since they are both HIV positive and the date marks World AIDS Day).
Working behind the scenes, LGBT rights advocates sought a friendly government official with the power to perform a civil wedding and found her in the Governor of Tierra del Fuego, Fabiana Rios, who agreed to marry the men on December 28th, 2009."
Freyre's and Di Bello's marriage was officially the first in Latin America. There are still two technically valid same-sex marriages in Argentina, one of which I reported on earlier this week. The status of marriage equality legislation is the country is unclear.