Just in from Servicemembers Legal Defense Network:
–Susan Collins (R-ME)
–Olympia Snowe (R-ME)
–Mark Pryor (D-Ark.)
–Richard Lugar (R-IN)
–Judd Gregg (R-NH)
–Jim Webb (D-VA)
–George Voinovich (R-OH)
Now is a crucial moment. The number for the Capitol switchboard is (202) 224-3121.
All should call their senators now.
The Advocate reports that the vote is being held hostage in a procedural showdown:
"Sen. Joseph Lieberman summed it up best Thursday, suggesting that breaking next week's potential GOP filibuster on the National Defense Authorization Act, which houses 'don't ask, don't tell' repeal, depended almost entirely on a procedural showdown between Democrats and Republicans. 'The question is whether the Senate leadership can negotiate an agreement with the Republicans that will allow the bill to come up and get them to feel that they can introduce amendments that they want to introduce as well,' Lieberman told The Advocate. 'But until that happens, I don't think the votes are there to break the filibuster, which would be a shame.'"
In related news, the NYT posted an editorial today urging Judge Viriginia Phillips to "issue a strong injunction" against DADT.