As reported earlier, Armie Hammer is set to play J. Edgar Hoover's secret lover in the upcoming Hoover biopic starring Leonardo DiCaprio.
E!'s Ted Casablance and Taryn Rider caught up with Hammer on the red carpet at the SAG Awards.
Said Hammer of the script:
"It's not a kissing scene—it's a ton of kissing scenes…I'm so excited to work with Clint, and from what I hear, he's not the type of director who has a ton of rehearsals and takes. I think we're just sort of thrown in there and have to make it happen….I actually just met [Leo] for the first time Saturday at the DGA Awards. Sure, we talked business…He's a talented actor. I'm not nervous or afraid of it being awkward. The script is great. The scenes are in there for a reason. I'm really excited….Yeah, you hear that, Leo? Pucker up!"