POLL: 58% of New Yorkers support marriage equality, a new high.
Winklevoss twins lose legal battle with Facebook's Mark Zuckerburg.
Joan Rivers' recommendations for keeping your pits stank-free.
Palm Center merges with Williams Institute.
John Galliano heckled by paparazzo at LAX: "f**king racist".
White House excludes gay groups from military families event. "The President has been crystal clear that the Administration is moving forward with the repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' quickly and efficiently. However, it still remains the law."
Lady Gaga falls off her piano.
Victoria Jackson wants to go on Wife Swap to prove she's not anti-gay: "That would be great because then I could show the world that I love gay people and I'm not the homophobic hate-monger the media are making me out to be. The other perk is that I could afford that Tacoma pick-up truck I want and pay off my credit card."
Sasha Fierce reportedly rounded up 200 dancers for her new video, "Girl".
A nature photography first?
Indonesian anti-porn MP caught watching porn film during legislative session: "The blurred images have been published on the front pages of newspapers and commentators said the MP, who has uses the single name Arifinto, should be prosecuted under the terms of the law which he helped pass."
Anti-gay NY senator and girlfriend beater Hiram Monserrate now working the counter at a pizza joint. "The pudgy former politician gleefully admitted to sampling slices 'almost every day' at the tiny Latin-themed pizzeria, which also sells flan and 99-cent hot dogs."
Rep. Eric Cantor hit by AIDS protesters. Video.
ACLU's "Don't Filter Me" initiative uncovers schools in four more states: "The American Civil Liberties Union and its regional affiliates today sent letters to schools in Michigan, Texas, Pennsylvania and Virginia demanding they stop viewpoint-based censorship of web content geared toward the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) communities."
Guess who's covering Adele on Glee?
Out gay London Deputy Mayor Simon Milton dies. "He is survived by his civil partner Robert Davies, a Westminster councillor. The couple were together for more than 20 years."
As The Story Develops: Alan Poul joins Aaron Sorkin cable news drama.
It is time for the American Family Association to take responsibility for Bryan Fischer's bigotry.
Trump threatens run as independent if he doesn't get the GOP nod.
Transgender discrimination lawsuit breaks new ground: "In a case with a truly unusual set of factors, Mr. Devoureau filed a discrimination lawsuit on Friday that could break new ground in New Jersey and across the country, turning on the question of who is or is not a man. An employer fired Mr. Devoureau because it said only a man was allowed to do his job: watching men urinate into plastic cups at a drug treatment center."