The Cleveland Leader reports:
On Saturday, a new baby giraffe was born at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Gardens to Tessa and Kimba, both four-year-old giraffes. The birth of the calf was the first at the zoo in 26 years.
Tessa and her new baby are being left to bond, so the sex of the calf has not yet been checked.
Said zoo executive director Thayne Maynard: "When there's a birth of an animal, it's awe-inspiring because nature is a phenomenal system. That's true when a mouse is born, but when you've got a 6-foot baby that comes out and flops on the ground, it's just the darndest thing. It goes without saying, this is an exciting day."
Watch an incredible clip of the giraffe's birth (warning: graphic), AFTER THE JUMP…