A Catholic medical group in Germany called the Union of Catholic Physicians is offering a "gay treatment" on its website (screenshot above). Weekly news magazine Spiegel reports:
The religious association, which calls itself the "voice of the Catholic medical community," writes on its website that while "homosexuality is not an illness," a host of treatments are available to keep such "inclinations" at bay. Possibilities include "constitutional treatments with homeopathic tools … such as homeopathic dilutions like Platinum," "psychotherapy," and "religious counseling." Among homeopathy's controversial treatments are the prescription of "Globuli," tiny pills that consisting mostly of sugar. "We know about a number of people with homosexual feelings who find themselves in a spiritual and psychological emergency and suffer greatly," UCP head Gero Winkelmann told SPIEGEL in a written statement. "If someone is unhappy, ill or feels they are in an emergency, they should be able to find options for help with us."
Germany's Lesbian and Gay Federation reacts: "'The offerings are dangerous,' said spokeswoman Renate Rampf. 'They use the insecurities of homosexual or bisexual young people and their parents.' Such 'laughable' therapeutic ministrations are problematic because they can be 'destabilizing.'"