Remember when the officials who run the Space Needle in Seattle capped the landmark building with the rainbow flag during pride month last year? Looks like the flag hoisting won't happen this year or, for that matter, ever again. Says a Space Needle rep:
“We don't make a habit of flying flags on top of the Space Needle and we make an effort not to fly any flags on a recurring basis,” she said.
Bacarella said the Space Needle is giving the flag to the group, Seattle Out & Proud, which will be marching with it this year.
“Though we are not flying the flag this year, the photos of it flying last year continue to be a source of pride for everyone in our community,” she said. ” We are also working with Seattle Out and Proud on a major fundraiser to benefit the LGBT community.
Some gay rights advocates are challenging the decision and want to see the flag flying over the Space Needle once again. has started a petition to do just that. Sign it here.